I stumbled upon some information that should be of interest/help to y'all. I found these awhile back and felt y'all would like to see this.
Between the three things I listed below, you pretty much have everything you ever wanted to know about a particular vehicle:
Body Header: 1-page sheet containing VIN-specific details like the body number, VIN, original customer information, order details, and seat plan information. Available for all years that I've searched for so far. (I've only checked to 1993, in my case)
Bill of Materials (BOM): Lays out all the components used to build the bus. Also includes PDF's with additional info as well. Pretty much anything you ever wanted to know, haha. Available for 2000 and newer IIRC.
Sales Options: As-Built options ordered with a particular bus. Available from 2003 and newer IIRC.
Seat Plan: Layout, configuration drawings of a particular bus. Available from from 2002 and newer IIRC.
Here's how you can find your Body Header.
NOTE: Body number does not have to match your body number found on your vehicle, as any body number will work. I used 11111 as an example and it worked for me. As long as you have the VIN, this link should work:
https://www.thomasbusonline.com/mytb...yno=11111&vin= (enter your VIN here)
Here's how you can find your Bill of Materials (Component schematics and parts used to build the vehicle).
NOTE: You'll need to the Body Number found in the header page linked above to show the correct vehicle information.
NOTE: There are two linked, one specifically for the Thomas C2, and one for all others. Non Thomas C2 (EF, EFX, FS-65, HDX) vehicles use the second link below. Saf-T-Liner C2 buses use the first link listed.
NOTE: Replace X's with body number and VIN number, respectively both found in the Header page above.
Here's how you can find your Sales Options (As-Built options from the factory). This one uses the Body Number to find the As-Built Options:
Sales Options (enter body number here)
Seat plans can also be found via this link. I've had some trouble finding the specific link for the plans where it will let me download them. I found this one and it's worked for me with no issues (https vs http in OP)
NOTE: Replace the X's in the link with the Seat Plan number found from your Header page above:
I know that's quite a bit at once, and can be somewhat confusing, but I hope it makes sense and helps y'all! It's helped me and I don't even own a bus, haha.