yep thats a really nice roof mount system..
typically those feed down into the bus at just a couple spots.. so you can remove and rework the ducting inside.. ie remove the duct, install cabinets and then install new duct running inside , below, or behind the cabinets.. you can still pull down your interior ceiling to spray foam, leaving the unit up there.. just be careful of the lines and wires if any run inside.. again the ducting doesnt have to be factory you can run new ducting to get the air throughout the bus..
if you pull the system out you will have to either deal with being warm while driving or install a separate solution to use while driving.. most parked-A/C like you use for sleeping at night etc do not have the capacity to overcome engine heat, sun load, freeway heat, etc while driving like that one does.. if you want good A/C while driving, the best way is to rework and incorporate the factory A/C into your build..