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Old 12-12-2008, 04:20 PM   #1
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Re: Rubber floor

Depending on whether the subfloor is steel or wood you might find tons of rot or rust under the rubber. You can usually tell because it will be soft or squishy where its rotten and maybe bubbled up or humped from the rust flaking off and gathering in places from vibrations. If you find these symptoms it might be a can o' worms to take the rubber out. Depending how thorough of a remodel you want it could be easier to just lay a new 3/4 ply layer before your flooring. Mines got some nice even cedar planking over ply and has weathered the travels and vibrations nicely. Insulation could be nice if your gonna be where its cold. If so, rigid foam with taped seams would probably work great. It might add some height but would be minimal depending on your choice of flooring. Mine is 1/2 inch cedar+3/4 ply+1/2 inch foam so it raised it a bit but there is still plenty of headroom depending on where your head might be located. I just mean how tall you might be. I'm 5'11" good luck!

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Old 06-08-2009, 03:09 PM   #2
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Re: Rubber floor

man, i just finished pulling my floor and PLEASE check the condition of the steel underneath. the bolt holes for the seats leak and will rust the floor out. if you pull the entire floor and not a spot of rust then fine, reuse the plywood somewhere else, bondo the holes, paint the floor, and under coat the bottom. it all comes down to how long you want your floor to last. its a lot of work and the worst part is no one will see it so take picts.i have mine if you want to see them. its better to fix the floor now then wait until the walls are in place.
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Old 06-08-2009, 03:40 PM   #3
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Re: Rubber floor

Originally Posted by vegadog12
man, i just finished pulling my floor and PLEASE check the condition of the steel underneath. the bolt holes for the seats leak and will rust the floor out. if you pull the entire floor and not a spot of rust then fine, reuse the plywood somewhere else, bondo the holes, paint the floor, and under coat the bottom. it all comes down to how long you want your floor to last. its a lot of work and the worst part is no one will see it so take picts.i have mine if you want to see them. its better to fix the floor now then wait until the walls are in place.
Yea, What he said.......
You really need to pull the rubber up. You can get a good idea what condition your metal is in, by the condition of the plywood on it. Are you from a humid area? Sometimes if you just have a few bad spots, you could just cut that section of wood floor out, treat the metal and replace the wood. You do need to know what kind of foundation your building on. Nothing like installing a toilet, then go to use it the first time and it and you fall through. How embarassing Good luck
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