Originally Posted by pjespers
... I power wash the windows right through the screens...
Can't wash an RV in most campgrounds. And I'm not into washing vehicles anyway. Mother Nature washes my Jeep. Except when it gets too filthy to touch. "R" Jeep doesn't like soap anyway.
I have actually washed the Jeep three times since I bought it back in 1997. It wouldn't run right for a few days afterwards. The lunatic that David used to remodel for would have her vehicles washed every week in her driveway... along with anyone else's vehicle that happened to be there too. Poor Jeep would get soaped and waxed. And it complained about it every time! Now I can rinse it off with plan water... just not soap. Which suits me fine... I don't wash Jeeps and trucks! And now Buses! Besides my Jeep thinks it's a tractor! After all we used it to pull cut trees and stumps out of the woods on our property when we lived in TN.