Howdy ! I've been browsing the forums and internet for a while searching for the perfect bus and believe I finally found it! We purchased her 2 weeks ago from Winona, TX. We bought from an old bus driver for the district that bought it directly from the district (who bought new). Including all service records 2005+. The owner bought to convert into a weekend camper like us but life got in the way. It has sat on her farm the past few years only being driven periodically ! It is approx 20 ft long with 12ft from driver seat to rear of bus.
1999 E-350 7.3L powerstroke
140k miles
4 window w/ handicap lift.
First thing I did was change the oil!
So far we have removed seats, floor (no rust really!), sealed holes, removed side panels. (lift was already gone !) I will post some of the progress in a reply below. Planning to paint the floor tonight and work on sealing the roof before I put down the floor. I do not plan on removing the ceiling.
Ultimate plan is to turn into a little weekender / road trip camper to go on trips throughout the year and explore the USA.
Here is a pic of her in my driveway!
You can follow along on instagram @texasbusadventure or TikTok @usa_tx