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Old 10-30-2018, 01:56 AM   #1
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Chasing Pavement: 2001 International 72 Pass Rear Engine Skoolie Build

Hello Everyone, Long time reader, first time posting, So let me start out by saying Hello, My name is Jesse, and My Girlfriend Lox and I have purchased a 2001 international 40 Foot School Bus (semi Converted) and are finishing the job and converting it to our own home on wheels for full time living and traveling. I also want to let everyone know A little over a year ago we took a 3 Month Long Trip in our 1976 Born Free Motor coach (22 Foot), and loved it but realized we need more space. So Here We Are. When we Bought the Bus, The Floors have been gutted and new subfloor and laminate faux wood flooring had been laid out, and had a basic kitchen and bathroom set up with the plumbing done (without hot water) and an AC Unit, as well as a shower pan installed and a couple walls. It had a little bit of a bedroom in the back but we tore that out. It came with 100 Gallon Fresh, Grey, and Black water tanks installed. (No idea why a 100 gallon black tank is needed, but grey overflows into it so I guess I can fill twice before dumping). Otherwise all stock. We've had the buss for awhile now, and so far I have done the Following:
sanded and Painted first coat of the bus and sanded for second coat
Started framing out the electrical closet which is sitting over the rear engine bay doghouse, and the bed, which is going in the rear, as well as another closet next to electrical closet.
I Have mounted a propane tankless vented water heater by the shower, but probably will have to take it down before I actually plumb and install it.
ot a 125 amp Square D Indoor AC breaker box, and ran all my AC and DC Wire throughout the entire bus, including running wire for switches, Lights, Fans, Outlets, air conditioner, ECT, and now have just finished cutting and putting up Styrofoam insulation all over ceiling( just over original ceiling and leaving original fiberglass in there) and calls/ rear. Don't Think we will be insulating the front portion, we will just put up blackout curtains or something like that and block off the front section.

My Next Plans are to plumb all of the hot water lines and propane lines and a couple odds and ends in the electrical department (buy lights so I know what size holes to cut in ceiling panel, wire up a few more odds and ends) so I can put up the Ceiling (planning on using 1/8 or 1/16 flexible wood panels and just screwing them up in there over the Styrofoam) and walls.
After that I'm planning on buying a 3000 Watt Pure sine wave AIMS Inverter/charger, a 600 AH battery bank (3 200AH deep cycle AGM to go inside in the electrical closet, 300W Solar Kit with tilting mounts, a dual fuel Generator to mount up underneath the bus near the front staircase, so I can run it at night without it keeping me up.
I am also going to build a couch I've seen a few skoolie builders make, that folds out into a bed with interlocking slats and storage underneath as well
Also going to build a small Dinette, and build more kitchen counters next to the fridge, and overhead cabinets over sink/stove area, main color of all of the woodwork will by white besides floors and some other misc stuff, and I'm going to let my girlfriend go crazy with accent colors in upholstery, curtains pillows ect.
Otherwise I don't have many more plans I'm going fairly minimalistic besides the size of it of course, and the off grid capability with the previously mentioned electrical setup. So far I'm only about 4,000 into the project Bus included, and have an estimated 5-6000 to go, as I have a 3,500 amazon shopping cart right now with everything we need other than the wood and misc supplies.
Here are some pictures, stay updated ill try to most once a week after every progression made.

Also, Check out my YouTube channel, chasing pavement, as well as my Instagram _chasing.pavement_ for more updates!
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 10-30-2018, 07:16 AM   #2
Bus Crazy
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Location: Ashtabula, Ohio
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Year: 1996
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Engine: T444E 7.3L
Welcome to the site. Nice looking bus you got there!
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Old 10-31-2018, 02:09 PM   #3
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Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by Johnny Mullet View Post
Welcome to the site. Nice looking bus you got there!
Thanks Johnny!
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