SO! This has been a LONG time coming. I've been planning for my Skoolie project for three years while my broke waitress butt spun her wheels for a while saving up.
But FINALLY... August 31rst, I put a down payment on my bus! And Sept. 11, 2018, I finally bring her home!!!
Why have I waited so long to post? Well, the last month has been nuts. Sorry yall.

I had a friend call me a couple days before I got my bus, needing my help and company, and THIS happened to be the ONE friend for whom I would leave behind my newly bought bus RIGHT after I drove it home, to come hang with her. So I did.

And came home a week later. And then had to rest for 3 days.
And then me and Grampa took ALL the seats out *'cept one just for sitting, we'll take it out soon, it's the little one person seat in the back lol* in SIX HOURS!!! We lubed them up from beneath the bus and inside the bus a day or two before, made a BIG difference, used an impact driver Grampa's brother had recently loaned him to do it. Only had to use the angle grinder on SEVEN bolts in ALL the seats!
Then I had to rest again, got sick. Plus, I'm working on some other things at the same time... It's just been a little nuts.

But really, things couldn't be better. I have my bus!! I HAVE THE DREAMWEAVER BUS!!! And I have the time to savor this experience too, take it slow, at least for a little bit. Life has changed a LOT this summer for me. Very transformative.
So I DO apologize for taking so long to get to this post! Pics to follow as soon as I resize them so they're smaller than 2MB!! LOL Most of the pics my camera takes are 5MB or more in size, I can't even send more than a couple pics by EMAIL if I took them on my camera... *smh*