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Old 07-29-2009, 09:25 AM   #1
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Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Hello everyone. I can't tell you how excited I am to be here. I have been lurking in the shadows for a few months now, basically soaking in all of your knowledge and advice to one another and sharing - albeit silently - in the joys of your own adventures as Skoolie owners and creators. I've actually been lurking so long that I feel like I know you all so well already but then realized that none of you know me. So let's remedy that situation, shall we?

My name is Lee. I am a 37 year old mother/wife to the most wonderful family in the world. My husband is Jim (54), my daughter is Lauren (16), and my son is Colin (12). We live in southern middle Tennessee where we work 40 hour a week jobs - Jim works for an electrical contractor at a big tire plant and I am a fitness goober (assistant manager and group fitness instructor at the local gym) - and homeschool our children (this will be our third year) and try to live a simple lifestyle that affords us all that we NEED in life.

We have been talking about buying a bus, converting it to live in, and taking off to travel the country - possibly the world - for about 2.5 or 3 years now. Things have finally started to happen for us and we just so happened to stumble upon a killer deal on this awesome school bus a few months ago. It is a 1988 Thomas Built on a GMC chassis with a 8.2 liter Detroit Diesel engine. (That's about the extent of MY knowledge on the mechanical specifics.) We know that she spent about 3 years as a church bus before they sold her to an individual who turned around and sold her to us just a couple of months later. She sat at my mom's house for a couple of months while we prepped our side/back yard for her arrival: some diseased trees had to be removed and a driveway had to be built. We finally brought her home on July 4 and have been working on her a little bit at a time.

Her name is "Resurrection Fern". (Find out more about the name on our blog: We have big plans for her. We have a basic floor plan that should accommodate the four of us and two dogs (Jack and Jed). We plan to build her using as many recycled/reclaimed/salvaged materials as possible. Right now our biggest concern is getting insurance for her, painting her, getting bunks/bedroom framed in, and laying out/installing the bathroom as soon as possible. We would like to take her on long weekend trips as early as October with a month long stay in Louisiana in February. We are optimistically thinking that we can be ready to full-time in her come Summer 2010. Our intention is to get the basics in, start using her, and build her as we go. We have no false hopes of having her completely "DONE" for at least a couple of years. We really want to take our time with her and build her to fit us and our needs the best way possible and have fun doing it, not be stressed because it needs to be done TODAY!

So there's the basic introduction and plan. Of course, as you all know this is totally up in the air and subject to change at any moment. That's part of the fun, right??

I so look forward to talking to you all, learning from you, and sharing our own journey/adventure with you as we go.

Here's a sneak peek at Fernie (as I have started to lovingly call her) from day 1 to today. Don't forget you can see more pics and follow more closely at her own weblog: and/or her youtube page:

We've also made our first mark on her by painting a sky on the ceiling, which turned out much better than I expected. Before putting the sky on, however, we did put two coats of paint on with ceramic additives for insulation. I can already tell a HUGE difference. More details and a little video of the process and final result can be found here:
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IMG_1104.JPG   IMG_8234.JPG   IMG_8295.JPG  

You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 07-29-2009, 09:49 AM   #2
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Thanks so much for the warm welcome. So glad you found the YT videos. Hope you enjoyed it. The southern accent wasn't too much, was it?

I'll definitely be keeping you guys up to date on what's going on. I'm sure there will be lots of questions and maybe even some hair pulling (of my own, that is). But in the end, I think it will so totally be worth it.
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 07-29-2009, 10:02 AM   #3
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Welcome! Our family too is looking to do the whole liveaboard thing for a while.. check out our posts!
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:05 AM   #4
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Originally Posted by vanguy67
Welcome Lee! I didn't hear any accent at all!!

I'm in Nashville though.....

Oh good. Thanks for the reassurance.

There's just something about the sound of my own voice that makes me sit up and go, "WTH?????!!! Do I really sound like THAT???!!!"
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 07-29-2009, 10:07 AM   #5
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Originally Posted by hmcastle55
Welcome! Our family too is looking to do the whole liveaboard thing for a while.. check out our posts!

Hi Heidi. I saw your introduction post earlier. It is actually your post that made me just sit down and do my own. So thanks for that.
It seems we have a lot in common. I look forward to watching your journey, as well.
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 07-29-2009, 10:46 AM   #6
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Welcome to the asylum. Sounds like a great family project. I still hav'nt told my wife I bought one yet. Been six months now. I go out and work on it when I can. She thinks I'm having an affair with a carpenter/mechanic. She'll really be mad when she finds out it is a bus and not an affair Good luck and keep us posted!
"I've never been lost, but I been mighty confused for several days"
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:53 AM   #7
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Originally Posted by Papabear
Welcome to the asylum. Sounds like a great family project. I still hav'nt told my wife I bought one yet. Been six months now. I go out and work on it when I can. She thinks I'm having an affair with a carpenter/mechanic. She'll really be mad when she finds out it is a bus and not an affair Good luck and keep us posted!

Wow Papabear!
I take it the wife isn't fond of the idea of a school bus?

Thanks so much for the welcome. I'll keep you posted on our progress and you keep me updated on your "affair".
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 07-29-2009, 11:16 AM   #8
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

I've been subliminally breaking it to her. When she talks of RV's, it's the $100,000.00 plus units. I just had different ideas for the money. When I paint the outside, I'll drive it up to the house and show her. In a perfect world.....She'll say "It's a school bus" - I'll say "It's an RV, babe" Then we'll go inside and she'll say "This looks nice" and we'll make beautiful love and drive to a secluded spot and make beatuful love again. I'll be like that smiley guy on the Enzyte commercials. OR NOT
"I've never been lost, but I been mighty confused for several days"
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Old 07-29-2009, 11:25 AM   #9
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Yes, well..i've looked and have been looking at the way high priced RV's too. And my parents were from the Sunshine family days of earth shoes and vanilla bean yogurt made from scratch, so that went by the wayside real quick. She'll LOVE it, i promise For me, the Skool bus convert was a no brainer for me. Besides, i've taken my kids out the hectic world of "gotta have this!" so it's a learning experience all the way around. I might even do something crazy like home school them..from a school BUS!! omg..i just had to say that. Now, Mark thinks I'm crazy to do that..but I say, "hey, we can do MUCH better than the school system in half the time." I'm sure Fern would agree, since I see she's been doing that for a few years now. But i also work, so we'll see.. Either way, it's a more down to earth way of experiencing life! Skoolie's are definitely the way to go!
good luck..i'd love to see pics of her first view of it!
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Old 07-29-2009, 11:32 AM   #10
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Welcome Lee & family!! So good to hear you finally piped up & introduced yourself!

Good to hear you did the research before your purchase! This is really the best place IN THE WORLD to learn about conversions. Please post many photos as we all thrive on everyones projects! Good luck.

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Old 07-29-2009, 11:35 AM   #11
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Don't mean to take over this thread. My wife works in the school system here (Social worker/councelor) and would agree with you on home schooling. Anymore, it's about headcount and money. The education part has been lost. Just get'em through. I could go on and on. Anyway, Good luck to you all in your adventure.
"I've never been lost, but I been mighty confused for several days"
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Old 07-29-2009, 12:26 PM   #12
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Papabear: I can totally relate to your situation. When Jim and I were initially talking about converting a bus, I had my mind DEAD SET on an MCI interstate bus. Nothing was going to deter me from that. Every time he would mention otherwise, I would clam up and refuse to listen. And even to the day that he came home and told me about "Fernie", I was DEAD SET against it. But once I saw her and realized the potential and the fun and the money we could save and the fact that we could have it right THEN and ... well, it was a sealed deal. I truly hope your wife's first reaction to the bus goes as planned. (Lucky you if it does. ) I have to agree with Heidi, I think she will see it and realize what you have been doing and the hard work you've put into it already and just fall in love with it. I mean, come on ... how could she NOT???

And I don't mind at all the "hijacking" of this thread. I am thrilled from the welcome response I've received from all of you and welcome any/all chances to get to know you all better. I have a great feeling that I will be right at home with you guys here. So thank you for that.

Heidi: I love what you said about homeschooling your children .... in a SCHOOL BUS! That is priceless. And I have to agree that you could so totally educate your children just as well, if not better, than the school system. And in half the time, true. This will be our 3rd year and I so wish we would have done it much sooner. I've seen my children change so much, become more of the person they ARE and are meant TO BE, since we removed them from public school. And like Papabear said, it has become more about head counts and test scores and money than education. And education can take place anywhere and at anytime if you encourage it and feed it. It doesn't have to happen in a classroom. But it can happen on a school bus.

I'm not sure if you know about this group or not, but there's a website called Families on the Road for people who are doing just that - educating their children while traveling. They call it "roadschooling", which I love. You might want to check it out.

Jonathan (ezbme): Thank you so much for the welcome. I know that I look most forward to seeing updates with photos so I will do my best to not post any updates without at least a photo or two to satisfy the masses.
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 07-29-2009, 01:46 PM   #13
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Awesome information, thank You so much. I only just really 'joined' this site a few days ago after lurking for a while. Now you've come out of wood work as well. There are reasons why certain things happen.. thanks for the link. I'll shut up now and just enjoy your updates on "Fernie". That IS what your post is supposed to be about. We can talk schooling later! thanks again,
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Old 07-29-2009, 06:57 PM   #14
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Originally Posted by hmcastle55
Awesome information, thank You so much. I only just really 'joined' this site a few days ago after lurking for a while. Now you've come out of wood work as well. There are reasons why certain things happen.. thanks for the link. I'll shut up now and just enjoy your updates on "Fernie". That IS what your post is supposed to be about. We can talk schooling later! thanks again,
There is a "everything else" section on the forum. It's for....well...Everything else. You just have to watch out cause some people... Ahem- Smitty take over. Sorry, Smitty Dude
"I've never been lost, but I been mighty confused for several days"
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:24 PM   #15
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Welcome Fern!

Great job on the ceiling paint! One word of warning though... blue is an energizing color. Unless you go into a dark bedroom to sleep, you'll have a hard time falling asleep after cutting off the lights. Sounds crazy, I know! But this comes from the voice of experience. Never believed it myself until my ex and I painted our bedroom a deep blue and put glow-in-the-dark stars overhead. Looked gorgeous, but man, we had a hard time falling asleep.

Thanks for showing the ceramic coating. You said you can already feel a difference? Sweet! Are you going to add it outside too for even more protection, or just to the inside? How did you apply the paint to the ceiling (brush, roller, sponge, etc)?

Your progress is great and I wish you the best of luck! Look forward to swapping videos with ya!
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Old 07-29-2009, 11:49 PM   #16
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

I refuse to go to your site and learn the origins of the name until you tell me if you're a fan of Iron and Wine first.

Oh and welcome to the madness!
Skooling state at a time...
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Old 07-30-2009, 06:26 AM   #17
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Originally Posted by TygerCub
Welcome Fern!

Great job on the ceiling paint! One word of warning though... blue is an energizing color. Unless you go into a dark bedroom to sleep, you'll have a hard time falling asleep after cutting off the lights. Sounds crazy, I know! But this comes from the voice of experience. Never believed it myself until my ex and I painted our bedroom a deep blue and put glow-in-the-dark stars overhead. Looked gorgeous, but man, we had a hard time falling asleep.

Thanks for showing the ceramic coating. You said you can already feel a difference? Sweet! Are you going to add it outside too for even more protection, or just to the inside? How did you apply the paint to the ceiling (brush, roller, sponge, etc)?

Your progress is great and I wish you the best of luck! Look forward to swapping videos with ya!
Hi TygerCub. Thanks for the welcome.

I've always heard right the opposite about the color blue. Hmmmm. Interesting.

Yes, we do plan on using the ceramic additive on the roof when we paint her. I have noticed a difference on the inside with the ceramic coating in the areas that got one coat and the areas that got two. BIG difference. So I'm suggesting we go with two coats on the roof, for sure.

We applied it with rollers/brushes. The hubby did the rolling and my daughter and I took care of the corners and around the screws with a brush. It has a very gritty (sandy) feel when you paint it on. And the surface feels a little abrasive to the touch when it dries, so it is NOT a smooth finish. I like it though. It adds depth and character to the ceiling so it's not the glossy, reflective, slick feel that it had before.

I am enjoying your videos, as well. I am constantly looking for the next one detailing what is going on with BOB. And I'm more than impressed with the progress you've made with him, considering you are doing it alone. There are two of us working on Fernie and it's still pretty slow going. Keep up the great work.
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Old 07-30-2009, 06:32 AM   #18
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Originally Posted by the_experience03
I refuse to go to your site and learn the origins of the name until you tell me if you're a fan of Iron and Wine first.

Oh and welcome to the madness!

Thanks for the welcome.

Yes, I am a fan of Iron and Wine. And "Resurrection Fern" is probably my favorite song of his. But really the only significance that it has to Fernie's name origin is that until I heard the song, I had no idea what a resurrection fern was. So I looked it up and was sold on the awesomeness of this plant. The symbolic nature of the fern itself is how Fernie got her name much more than the Iron and Wine song.

Hope that helps and doesn't keep you from visiting the site. Would it help if I said there are LOTS more pictures on the site?
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 08-04-2009, 01:10 PM   #19
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

We made a little progress this weekend and I thought I'd share it with you guys. (More info and PICS can be found on our weblog. )

First of all, we had a long discussion and changed our floor plan - again! Instead of putting our toilet and shower together, we have decided to go with our original plan to separate them. The toilet will be on one side behind the wheel well and the shower on the other. We will have to change the size of our sleeping quarters in the back. Instead of a king sized sleeping area, we will only have a queen. This is fine with me as long as we avoid a full size. I have to have my space when I am sleeping. A full sized bed is fine for a night or two, but I need my space. Thankfully the hubby is understanding about this and doesn't take it personally. But this also means our toilet closet and shower will be a bit larger, which is great.

That being said, we spent a bit of time scraping out old, dry, crusty caulk from the windows in the toilet closet/shower areas and applying fresh. It took a bit longer than I expected, but it will be well worth the time spent I'm sure.

Before we cleaned it out

After we cleaned it out

Then we set out to build a frame for the toilet closet. After lots of noise and a big mess later, we had our first structure inside the bus built.

First boards nailed down

Finished product

It's quite exciting to walk into the bus now and see an actual room in the making instead of just empty space. We hope to spend some time this week working on scraping the caulk out of all the windows and redoing them and hopefully get the shower stall frame built this weekend (if we aren't on the road to Missouri to pick up our daughter).

Knowing what we can accomplish in a couple of days just makes me long for a week or two of no work so we can get it done sooner. I can tell already that this bus conversion is going to be a really good test of my patience. I hope I pass.
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason

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Old 08-04-2009, 05:20 PM   #20
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Re: Delurking to introduce ... "Resurrection Fern"

Hey, Fern... Don't forget to include a link to your blog and to your videos.

Maybe add it to you signature tag so folks don't have to hunt for it?
(I need to do that too )
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