I am a high school teacher and have access to the high school woodshop if I want to do anything serious like use a drill press or table saw. That said, having the shop teacher open it up, close it down, etc. is kind of a hassle and something I really am going to try and avoid bothering that teacher.
Another issue is that I live 90 minutes away from any kind of civilization where a Home Depot or metal retailer (for sheet steel, etc.) can be found. This means I will need to be very disciplined and thorough when it comes to ensuring I don't miss buying something essential when I'm "in town." And forget any access to something like salvage yards. Those are anywhere from 2 1/2 - 4 1/2 hours away.
The final challenge is that I live on the Navajo reservation and there are NO recognized addresses here. UPS has figured out how to deliver to the teacher housing area, but for, say, the US Postal Service, I can only receive mail in my PO Box. Several times I've had Amazon orders canceled because the shipper is using some shipping company other than UPS and they don't recognize my "shipping address."
On the other hand, I have a bus barn full of school district bus mechanics about 500 yards from my house should I need diesel engine questions answered.
Different truths