Our project is also our tiny home; we moved in April 30 and sit on a portion of a 16 acre property in the foothills of the Ozarks. It is a 34 foot bus, 26 foot by 7 1/2 foot, and we have five children.
We constructed lower bunks out of bus seats. One faces forward, the other reversed. We use two extra seat cushions for the middle of the bunk, and have built lofts over these bunks for the younger children. The side rails for the uppers are 2 x 6 boards, with 1 x 2 supports, and 1 x 4 slats across. We placed 1/2 inch plywood on top for the platform.
The "master" bed is 45 inch x 75 inch. It is elevated for storage space underneath. The materials we acquired are currently 8 inches under the bottom of the windows, which is where we planned on placing the bed to begin with. As the bed is made from cheaply acquired materials, we are currently debating whether to modify this or keep it as is.
We are currently using a composting toilet essentially as a pre composter. The buckets are emptied into a compost tumbler. I have found the bucket and seat method more efficient than the more expensive commercial items.
Much of our kitchen currently sits outside, as the weather allows it. We are working primarily with salvaged materials, purchasing when the project needs to be completed and salvage cannot be found. We also have 90 watts of solar, not yet set up, but ready to deploy.
I encourage anyone who wants to follow our story to follow us at
www.thejusticehopingmachine.blog, where we have pictures and video of what we are doing. The project will ultimately serve the homeless with food, clothing, and medical first aid.