Thanks Bansil! I think my phone is a 5?, 5S- I can't remember. I did get a response via email from someone, but she didn't have an answer for me, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if any users had success with the same problem. You said you tried an older iPhone- what are your browser/cookie settings? I've tried everything in the FAQs- no success.
It wouldn't be the first time this phone wasn't compatible with an updated app. Everything seems to be optimized for v.7-v.8 with no options for v.6.
I was catching up on a lot of your build thread today. You're about 3 hours from me. I'm in SWV, but hope to move further south soon. Btw, I will be re-iterating some of your designs when I finally find my bus. Curtain rod, doors, stairs, vent covers, adjustable height counters, and maybe the tub too. I like your style. <high five>