I am not sure who's info you want to dissapear
There are people that are business owners and run commercial buses/trucks, they would never modify a frame for the insurance reasons and that is smart and safe information for thier application
I talk to engineers all day long it seems (tool&die machine shop) and they do some of the dangist things, why? because they are taught to do that and over think it
People have been raising bus roofs for decades, is it safe? engineers will say no, a commercial insurance carrier would say no, I think yes it's safe if welds are good and material used as filler meets or exceeds OEM
So opinions vary from person to person about how they would do it,
People told me I couldn't put a fullsize water heater in my bus, or residential toilet and lord have mercy, I used white PVC pipe for hot water use.....the "experts" at Lowes/Home depot say this to keep from being sued is it the appropriate answer???
No........... that is why I am building my own RV (Residential Vehicle)
Did you see my hitch I built? it is designed by me and built for me and my uses, I also know I will never put more than a 75 lb tongue wt on it, and my 2 trailers don't weigh very much, so I put a SQ hole in my 3/16 steel bumper, welded it around front and back and then welded a few 1/4 in braces in to spread the load across more of the bumper face.....,right or wrong...it's mine and works fine
Our build La Tortuga
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
George S. Patton