I just signed up for another school conversion site to see what else was out there. What a joke. The level of stupidity and nastiness was unbeleivable. That forum is exactly the reason that it's against the law to have sex with kin. I am truely sorry that I strayed. Please forgive me.
Wow. I didn't even mention the site or the a-hole that I found offensive or stupid. You hit the nail right on the head. It's a small world out there, even more so with the internet. Anyways, who cares. I find this site extremely helpful with ideas. It's also a good place to bounce things around. Thanks.
I joined here on feb 24. I have a message from feb 25 that I only noticed about 15 minutes ago. Here it is.
From: whodat
To: crazycal
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:19 am
Subject: skoolies
The MOTHER of ALL skoolie groups. the ORIGINAL, LARGEST, most active and BEST skoolie group. where the experts are and thr trolls and con artists aren't. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/schoolbusconversionuts
It appears that he spammed that or something similar to around 234 people and into three topics.
Originally Posted by crazycal
I joined here on feb 24. I have a message from feb 25 that I only noticed about 15 minutes ago. Here it is.
From: whodat
To: crazycal
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:19 am
Subject: skoolies
The MOTHER of ALL skoolie groups. the ORIGINAL, LARGEST, most active and BEST skoolie group. where the experts are and thr trolls and con artists aren't. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/schoolbusconversionuts