What is an avatar?
An avatar is the picture that shows up in your posts under your username.
How do you get an avatar?
Your avatar is set in your user profile. Click on the
User Control Panel link at the top of every page.
1) Click on the Profile tab.
2) Click on Edit Avatar on the left.
3) Here you have several options. The simplest is to click on the Display Gallery button and choose an avatar from the stock forum pictures.
4) The second option is to use your own picture. It must be at most 80 px by 80 px and 12 KB.
When you are done just hit the submit button.
How to use your own picture as an avatar?
1) You can use any picture that is already hosted on the web as long as it meets the requirements of being 80 pixels by 80 pixels or less. Just type in the address to your own avatar in the
Link to off-site Avatar field.
2) If you want to use one of your own pictures but you don't have a web site you can upload it to the
Skoolie.net Gallery. Create an albumn for yourself and then upload a picture that is 80 pixels by 80 pixels or less. Once your picture is uploaded you should select under opions
Hide Photo. This will let you use it on the web but other people won't see it in your gallery. Right click on the picture in your gallery and copy it's addresss. Then paste the address into your profile as an off-site avatar.
3) If you need help turning a picture into an avatar, just let me know and I will do it for you.
When you are done just hit the submit button.
Here are the avatars I have made for the Skoolie.net avatar gallery.