Originally Posted by Thundarfoot
if its not broke I try not to fix it
I agree with that sentiment 100%.
Originally Posted by Thundarfoot
I have been reading the schoolie coversion threads, and some of the threads crash my pc, others dont.
Originally Posted by Thundarfoot
I use firefox on another pc..but this pc dosent seem to like fire fox../shrug
However, according to your own words, it
is broke.
My best guess is that you've got some kind of memory allocation problem. Firefox, for all the great things about it, is a memory hog. Loading a lot of graphics in a web browser is memory intensive as well. You might want to download memtest86 and run it on your machine for a while. Bad memory can appear to work quite well for a while and do really really strange things.
Years ago, we had a financials mini computer that had bad memory. It took almost a month to track down the cause. The symptoms were that some programs wouldn't run, other programs would run then crash, and once in a while a file got corrupted. During that month, several of the program files got corrupted. Eventually, the vendor sent a tech to do full hardware testing, and discovered the bad memory, and replaced it. We then had the fun of finding all the corruption. We were able to restore the OS and programs from a known good copy (it is good when all the sites run the same system), but we had to go through the database data record by record, and it wasn't fun.
I believe whatever is broke with your computer will just get worse until eventually you have to fix it. It might only be a software glitch, but without diagnosing the problem you'll never know.
just my two cents,