I really wish there was a non-skoolie-related subforum
There are so many people here who have such diverse skillsets, which apply to so many things other than skoolies, while often sharing common interests / concerns. People I've learned to know & trust via the forums, and would love to bounce questions off of regarding things not skoolie-specific. None of the subforums here suggest a good place to talk about these things... off-grid living in general, tiny houses, land acquisition and improvement, art, hobbies, economics, home-schooling... all things at least tangentially related to the 'skoolie' lifestyle.
I know I'd appreciate a 'tech / diy' subforum that applies to all these things and more. Not social or political, just great advice from all the great people here who have so many talents outside building a bus.
Just my .02.
Go away. 'Baitin.
Our Build: Mr. Beefy