Thank you for proving our point by making an ass of yourself.
Also, since you seem to have some difficulty with math let's look at this together.
Steve-7.47% of posts
Jason-8.47% of posts
Les-2.53% of posts
Now Steve is technically an administrator as this is his site (not a yahoo group) so we really shouldn't count him as a mod, but lets do that just for the heck of it.
So what percentage of the posts come from mods+admins? 18.47% over the entire course of the site's run. That is a fry cry from 24% when you consider the number of posts on this board. Furthermore, there is little need for moderators since this is a friendly site. Sure, there is some off topic chit-chat. Is that a bad thing? Not at all! It makes us more of a cohesive group. Not every post needs to be tech related. For those that want nothing but tech there is Arky's site. For anyone else that wants a pleasant environment where chit chat is allowed, there is a massive collection of people from all walks of life with all kinds of experience, and all the tech a person could want there is this site.
For the record, I started at Arkie's site and came here after I couldn't tolerate his site. It took me perhaps 3 days to come to that conclusion. Here is a rundown of why I disliked his site.
1. Personal opinions are not allowed. You must do things in the method the powers that be feel you should.
2. The search function is impossible. It's not Arkie's is the fault of yahoo...but nevertheless it sucks. Steve has done a nice job here making information very easy to find.
3. This is a relaxed, friendly environment. It's ok to have a thread totally unrelated to school bus conversions. The knowledge base here is huge and isn't limited to bus information. Furthermore, people here have a sense of humor, something not found on the yahoo group.
4. The site just plain keeps getting better. Our mods and admins are not untouchable gods. For instance, when the site was redone previous to this revision and several of us asked for a way into the forums without going through the front page Steve gave us a backdoor. He makes the site work for us. When we try to get him to accept some support he refuses. In Arkie's site you don't even have that option as any suggestion will result in being labelled a troll and being banned.
5. The grammar and spelling on this site does exist. We are all human, but run-on sentences, grammatical errors, overuse of caps, and spelling so terrible that I cannot figure out what the word is supposed to be makes reading very difficult. I don't want try and figure out what someone is saying just to figure out if the post is relevant. The combination of a poor search engine and pitiful English makes the archieves impossible to use.
So...there are constant complaints of trolls on that site. How did you end up here making inflamitory remarks? Wouldn't that make you the epitome of a troll? Feel free to badmouth us on that site. We will say our mind on this site. Your efforts are not going to change the fact that I (and many others) feel this is the greatest school bus conversion (and more!) site out there.