I have this annoying issue of every time I try to post a reply or comment, I get a "not logged in" error and am forced to log in again. Even though every time I visit this site I log in first thing. It is very annoying to have written a reply to someones problem, or advice request, or even a simple personal post, to have to re type it all over again due to the sign in error just times out with a blank page. USUALLY I can just use the back one page arrow to get back to my message and send it again, successfully, but not always. Knowing of this issue for the past week, I signed in a few moments ago first thing upon visiting the site. When I saw a topic I was going to give some info on, I signed in AGAIN. Once I wrote my 2 cents worth on the topic I hit post, and wouldnt you know it...."you must be logged in". This time I could not go back to my long written reply, for some reason it was gone. Does anybody else get this, or is my laptop possessed? Looking at a new SFF build soon anyways, just wanted to know if "its just me". LOL