Hey Steve-why do I keep getting this message when I try and view new posts or use any search function for that matter? It used to happen infrequently, but has become more and more common. Sometimes the search works, most of the time it doesn't. Is it something on my end?
it was happening at 1am (central) this morning also. I *think* it has to do with server load - the forum won't run searches when the system load is high.
A process on the server ran out of control and was using 340% of the cpu so I killed it. I am in the process of backing up the server and restarting it so the search may be on and off while I am doing that and hopefully while it restarts there will only be a short outage.
It happens to me every time the Google Bot is on the site (which for some reason is almost every time I'm on. I think it waits for me to log on before it runs). After the bot is gone, all returns to normal again.
I haven't seen the problem. There is a limit to how many times you can search, you have to wait 15 seconds after the last search you tried to search again.
I haven't seen the problem. There is a limit to how many times you can search, you have to wait 15 seconds after the last search you tried to search again.
I only have the problem when the Google bot is on the site. When the bot's not here, I don't recall ever having any delays or limited # of searches within any time periods. . .hm-m-m. . .