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Old 06-02-2019, 03:17 PM   #41
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Gosh, I'm blushing here!
Originally Posted by Dèsirée View Post
Ok Captain Haz.Matt... a better reason to keep after admin, can we attach sound?? I have the song, I wish I could embed!
Do you have any idea how long it's been since a woman invited me to embed?!

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Old 06-02-2019, 07:42 PM   #42
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Hahahahaha.... hahahahaha!!!! You’re sooooooo funny!!!! Have you tried comedy? I bet you can put together a very entertaining skoolie-convoy on air act!! You are a great text communicator. You have a very good verbiage usage. And according to Mr. Jolly Roger, you know how to use words to attract the attention of many unsuspecting forum members.

Just think all you have accomplished today with just a few words here and there.

The art of the written word, is being transformed in something other than just written. And at this rate, the convoy will only mark the beginning of the first SKOOLIE NATION
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Old 06-02-2019, 09:08 PM   #43
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Darlin', my life is comedy.
Shakespearean style...
Of errors...
'Verbiage usage.' I like it, and I think maybe you get me. (For which, you have my deepest sympathies)
Originally Posted by Dèsirée View Post
Hahahahaha.... hahahahaha!!!! You’re sooooooo funny!!!! Have you tried comedy? I bet you can put together a very entertaining skoolie-convoy on air act!! You are a great text communicator. You have a very good verbiage usage. And according to Mr. Jolly Roger, you know how to use words to attract the attention of many unsuspecting forum members.

Just think all you have accomplished today with just a few words here and there.

The art of the written word, is being transformed in something other than just written. And at this rate, the convoy will only mark the beginning of the first SKOOLIE NATION
*phew* In these politically correct times, I hesitated, briefly. (OK, 3.7 nanoseconds. Tops. But I DID pause...)
You don't come across as a shrinking violet, and I did not want to offend. However, I also didn't want to back away from a pun that made me giggle like a school girl, either!
"Attract unsuspecting attention..." *sheesh* Now you're making feel like a trap-door spider as well as a letch...
Skoolie Nation I can get behind.
Alien Nation, nope. I'd have to shave off my tresses and, if I don't already sport liver spots on my dome, have to have them tattooed on.
My masochism apparently DOES have limits...
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Old 06-02-2019, 10:11 PM   #44
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Hey!! ... "Attract unsuspecting attention..." not what I wrote.
I believe I wrote, ‘you know how to use words to attract the attention of unsuspecting forum members’ .. and I was referring to Mr. Jolly Roger, referring to you (as in my opinion) which by the way, it’s a good thing... not a spider, but a magnet, that’s the key word... it’s a compliment... take it from me, someone who owned 3, 867 books and loves the art of the written anything —old words, new words, and the words yet to be invented.
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Old 06-03-2019, 07:49 AM   #45
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What can I say? Artistic license! Can't a fella paraphrase? Besides, it sounded more ominous, and simplified the scary spider simile.
But thank you...
Originally Posted by Dèsirée View Post
Hey!! ... "Attract unsuspecting attention..." not what I wrote.
I believe I wrote, ‘you know how to use words to attract the attention of unsuspecting forum members’ .. and I was referring to Mr. Jolly Roger, referring to you (as in my opinion) which by the way, it’s a good thing... not a spider, but a magnet, that’s the key word... it’s a compliment... take it from me, someone who owned 3, 867 books and loves the art of the written anything —old words, new words, and the words yet to be invented.
Not for nothing, but in case you don't know: if you tap on a post, you can quote it, both addressing the respondent, and letting them know you wrote.
Multiple posts may be quoted at one time, too. After highlighting all & sundry, there's a left turning arrow at top right page, upon which a tap will afford the opportunity to reply to several at a shot.
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Old 06-03-2019, 02:17 PM   #46
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Yes, I do know that. But i’ve seen how others use the quote option and to repeat endlessly the same thing over and over and over again.

The issue I do have responding from gmail is, I only see one posting when in actuality there could be multiple. So I really need to go into the site and see what i’ve missed because, one thing is for sure, i’m still where I was yesterday afternoon.... no progress, only a car rental.

I did see how I replied to you thinking it was the posting before yours. But I think you figured it out.

I on the other hand, didn’t know, until I briefly saw your posting questioning it. .... so before we get even more perplexed, best to change the conversation.
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Old 06-03-2019, 02:33 PM   #47
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Fair 'nuff.
So, howzabout dem Red Sox?!!
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Old 06-03-2019, 03:13 PM   #48
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Guess what!!!! I did it!!!! I want to share the good news with you first!!!! ..

So I reposted on the right forum.

Ok, see how exited I can get about taking baby steps.. anyway, had to go through “full site view” —granted text is very small—- but it went through... no looping around ... hahaha!!!

Now, am just waiting for all those skoolie Gods to start knocking at my door!


Wait, I forgot.... I don’t have a door.
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Old 06-03-2019, 04:09 PM   #49
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Yes, I just (re-)viewed it.
It was almost like a deja view, all over again...
Celebrate the small victories! Sprinkle some catnip for Spreckles, and indulge in your favorite brain chemistry neuro-receptor alterer (is that an actual word?) of choice.
The good news is that that's one hurdle vanquished!!!
The bad news being, the 400 m race is just beginning...
(LOL, BTW. Maybe they'll send an email down from Skoolie Olympus on a lightning bolt)
I'd suggest, while awaiting epiphanies from the ether, that you broaden your search to Craig's Lists over a large portion of the Mid-Atlantic region, at least. Plus, every auction house known to deal busses.
Other resources may exist, hopefully a helpful soul will chime in with 'em.
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Old 06-03-2019, 07:07 PM   #50
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The small victory, got even smaller!

I was on the SITE. I was responding to one of your posting which I didn’t see before. I finished writing. Pressed post quick reply.

And then, to a blank page I was sent.

Ok, let me rephrase the statement.

I was on the site. I saw my name on the list of who was currently online. I had logged in. It even said, “welcome and my name.”

I was trying to catch up with the postings. Found yours and quickly responded. It went no where, I went to a blank page. Tried to retrieve the screen, and it tells me, I need to log in.... Holly Ravioli!!!

And I still see my name on the bottom as being logged in. As a matter of fact, there was no tab to log in, only to log out. Holly Ravioli, no, not again!!

So, this is what I was trying to inquire before the holly Ravioli thing :
“What sign comes between Leo and Virgo..?”

Forget Holly Ravioli, this is more like Skoolie-Spooky!
I’m a Leo and a Leo on the cusp of Virgo... so my question to you is, besides being a comedian, are you a mentalist as well ? Out of 12 astrological signs, you picked those two???

And my next question is, do you have the winning Mega Numbers for tomorrow Tuesday? I hear the jackpot is over $400... Hey, it’ll just be between you and me. I promise I won’t tell anyone!!!

And i’ll be more than happy to split it with you!!! How’s a 60/40 split on the net amount?? 60% for you, 40% for me....heeheeheeheehee!!!!
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Old 06-03-2019, 07:11 PM   #51
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[ and indulge in your favorite brain chemistry neuro-receptor alterer (is that an actual word?) of choice.
Neuro PS is what I been taking, now i’m going to try NEURIVA-
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Old 06-03-2019, 07:17 PM   #52
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And yes, I do check Craig’s List... and there’s a few on eBay... but I need someone who knows and would act in my best interest.

I would never trust Me, Myself or I (none of the 3) to make such a decision.
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Old 06-03-2019, 07:45 PM   #53
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Regarding the repeated overuse of White-Out on your words, all I can say is, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!
I PM'd Admin, Sat, for the 1st time ever @ a different issue, & yet to hear back, so good luck going that route.
If it helps at all, prolly not since you knew @ multi-quoting (& hopefully no offense taken. None was meant) but I had a similar series of events while using my laptop on the site for the 1st time in many months. Logged in, wanted to comment: "you must login." Frack.
OK, it didn't recognize my password (correctly entered, btw) so after several iterations I opted to change it. An email exchange took place, my "new" PW is the old one. Worked fine afterwards.
We'll see, next time I use the PC...
"Am I a mentalist?" How did I know you were going to ask that..? No, no more than anyone else is. "Mental?" Well, I prefer to let others come to their own contusions on that score...
Regarding the 2 House Signs I inquired of, the correct answer is, Cancer. (Referencing what busses in the NE get from road salt). Kinda cool that I inadvertently blew your mind, tho.
Been ages since I played the Red Neck IRA, AKA Lotto. My system was simplicity itself. (Had to be, as I developed it.) A # of pennies = to the # of ping-pong balls in the Vacu-Suck (or whatever that big gumball looking thing is called), each defaced in Majic-Marker on Lincoln's face in a series of sequential numbers, placed face-down in the Scrabble box lid, swirled and shuffled and generally randomized b4 selecting an equivalent # of pennies to fill out the Lotto card.
Makes cents, right?
Which is @ all I made from my system: the 70 or so cents in my ersatz random number generator. Bupkes, otherwise.
But, hey! A $400 pot. Who do I have to kill..?
Don't know if you saw it, but ECCB linked you to a pretty sweet conversion on another of your threads.
Best get to defacing some legal tender, tho!
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Old 06-03-2019, 07:58 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Dèsirée View Post
[ and indulge in your favorite brain chemistry neuro-receptor alterer (is that an actual word?) of choice.
Neuro PS is what I been taking, now i’m going to try NEURIVA-
Of the 2, the supplement you're currently taking looks more efficacious to me. Seems the active ingredient in the 2nd is,
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Old 06-04-2019, 10:12 PM   #55
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I can't find anywhere that will let me start a new thread. Would appreciate some help.

Thanks all.

Dennis Carey
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Old 06-04-2019, 10:15 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by NoRushBus View Post
I can't find anywhere that will let me start a new thread. Would appreciate some help.

Thanks all.

click on 'Forum' near the top of the page - a directory will open - pick a topic and that page will open - top left there will be a button that says start new topic - when that opens, put your headline in the provided space, then start your conversation
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Old 06-04-2019, 10:36 PM   #57
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Thank you very much.
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Old 06-05-2019, 08:33 AM   #58
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Any chance of taking a "screen capture" of the button showing "start new thread". I'm just not seeing it anywhere. I click on the word FORUM then pick a topic for the long list (not sure if that's a directory or not) but there is absolutely no button to start new topics. I'm baffled why this should be so difficult and not in plain site. For what it's worth I'm quite literate when it comes to PC's , Chromebooks, etc.

Thanks again in advance.
Dennis Carey
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Old 06-05-2019, 09:15 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by NoRushBus View Post
Any chance of taking a "screen capture" of the button showing "start new thread". I'm just not seeing it anywhere. I click on the word FORUM then pick a topic for the long list (not sure if that's a directory or not) but there is absolutely no button to start new topics. I'm baffled why this should be so difficult and not in plain site. For what it's worth I'm quite literate when it comes to PC's , Chromebooks, etc.

Thanks again in advance.
it comes up as a GIF image - GIF won't post on this forum
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Old 06-05-2019, 09:23 AM   #60
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I wonder if the problem is the accent character in your username. The version of the forum software being used is horribly out of date and I would not be surprised if its barfing on that funny e. Reminds me of little Bobby Tables.

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