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Old 05-25-2009, 05:57 PM   #1
Bus Nut
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1st Trip ANYWHERE!!

Well, the "Behemoth" has been taken on her maiden voyage. I did use it last year at a Mobile Home Park for 10 months, but I don't count that as much of anything.

I put $100 of fuel in it, and it barely took it all. I left Cheseapeake Va on Friday morning and hammered my way south & east to Cape Hatteras National Seashore, took about 2.5 hours. No issues what so ever, the bus ran great, I pulled the Jeep down behind it and I don't think that old bus even knew it was back there. I did turn the right front fender of the Jeep black with diesel soot thought, think I'm going to get some kind of "Turn Down" or elbow for the bus exhaust system to prevent that from happening. Arrived at Ocean Waves Campground and checked into site #53 (one site from the dunes that seperate the campground from the Atlantic Ocean).

The bus was the hit of the campground, during the day I'd have the front curtain open and watch as people heading to and from the beach would walk by the bus, EVERYONE was looking at my bus, not the $80,000 motor home across from me, or the the 5th wheels all around me, and I had over a dozen people ask to look inside, and I offered a peak inside to about a another dozen others that were being to polite to ask.

By day two, another converted bus pulled in beside me, this one was professionally done by Barth Motor Co, and the first thing those people did was want a peak inside mine. The husband of the team told me he wanted to convert his own, but his wife wouldn't let him as she figured he'd never finish the project.

That's the Barth beside my Behemoth... Parked in the sun without an ounce of shade, I just left both the rooftop a/c and the 5000btu window unit in the rear running all day long, it kept the bus nice and comfortable inside. I would turn off the roof top unit at night and only use the one back in the bedroom when I slept.

The trip back was without incident too, other than turning the fender of the Jeep black again. The only thing other than the exhaust elbow that needs to be done, is that I've gotta figure out how to adjust or defeat the governernor on that thing. It'll go 60 mph and that's it, if I can get it going down a bridge or hill I can push it to 65...but as soon as the road levels off it drops back to 60 mph again.


You just might be a Redneck if...
...your motor home used to be a school bus!
...Your living room has a steering wheel!
...Your home has brake lights

1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1989 Thomas Diesel Pusher (Cat 3208/Freightliner)
Chesapeake, Virginia
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Old 05-25-2009, 06:07 PM   #2
Bus Nut
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Re: 1st Trip ANYWHERE!!

Congratulations on a successful first voyage!
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Old 05-26-2009, 10:31 PM   #3
Bus Nut
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 704
Re: 1st Trip ANYWHERE!!

If you want to remember the campground, just go there and book mark it... CLICK HERE FOR OCEAN WAVES CAMPGROUND

BTW, I built the website and host it for this campground... When I checked in Carolyn (owners wife) looked out the window and said "That's different, how long is it?" which was about all they were interested in knowing. There were a total of 3 bus conversions there this weekend, but mine was the only that was not professionally built... I'd love to have that Blue & Silver Prevost that was there!!

You just might be a Redneck if...
...your motor home used to be a school bus!
...Your living room has a steering wheel!
...Your home has brake lights

1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1989 Thomas Diesel Pusher (Cat 3208/Freightliner)
Chesapeake, Virginia
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