2001 Amtram possible purchase help
Hey there! New to the forums, forgive me if this isnt the proper place to post this.
My girlfriend and I intend on fulltiming in the near future and were still trying to find an option.
We are looking at a 2001 amtran with a dt466 and an allison transmission for $4500, which from all my research is quite good. The issues weve found is that all the tires are at about 50% tread, and something with the axle that causes a clunking sound when we made turns while test driving. It is already painted, titled as an rv, 220k miles, and gutted but thats it.
So, does anyone with more knowledge mind weighing in? Am I going to need to replace the tires immediately? Is the axle issue reasonably cheap to fix? Is this bus worth the money?
Thank you anyone who takes the time to respond. Your help is immensely appreciated.