There have been a lot of threads here over the years regarding solar and air conditioning. I used the search function but to be honest I don’t have all week to read thru them to see if I find anything on this topic so if you know of any threads please share the link info.
So I am moving forward, slowly, on my build ( Bus 9906) and started working on my electrical design.
Of course the first thing I am looking at is air conditioning the bus.
All the threads I have read so far all include thoughts/ designs on mini splits that run off of 110v ac.
Searching the internet I found to websites that talk about 48v dc powered mini split units, with heat!
I am not endorsing either of these two sites but would like to hear from those who have gone this route, what are your thoughts on 48vdc powered mini split.
From what I am seeing, I and I know nothing about solar, this unit has some advantages over standard 110vac units.
Unit model DC4812vrf
Here are the two pages:
DC4812VRF spec sheet.
Again not a plug for these sites, just would like some feedback on this system.
For those of you who have gone down this route, what are your thoughts on this unit as compared to what you did on your bus.