School bus parts
School bus parts are nearly the exact parts for a big pickup truck. The engine and runing gear are the same. Do not tell any partsmen you need parts for a school bus. Go to any small mechanical repair shop and ask questions including how much to fix. You mostly need a mentor for some guidance, direction and education. Most mechanical repairs are very basic. Look on the net for any bus clubs or groups that deal with your type bus, in your area. Find a local mechanic and pay for his knowledge. Many churches have people who have buses and will inform and teach you. Gas engined buses are very easy to repair.
Changing oil on a gas engine usually takes 6 quarts total, with changing the filter. Some engines have large oil pans and will need additional oil. When buying oil, buy 12 quarts and have a few spare for the trip. Any standard filter will be OK. Remove filter amd take to parts store as a sample of filter needed. Leave the old filter and write maker and number under hood of bus for future reference. My choise of oil is 15/40, that is a all purpose engine oil. Most car parts stores will have a new brake cap, just ask and look. Remember, do not say bus.
It would be a rare situation for an engine to have too much oil pressure.
Oil pressure lites mostly indicate low oil, restriction or poor oil.
A rear main is not a very difficult repair. With some guidance, you can make this repair. Modern engines rarely leak at the rear crankshaft seal.
If your engine is a GM 366, all GM exhaust gaskets are the same. The gaskets are 3 seperate pieces per engine side. The manifold is loosened and the bolts removed, the gaskets will usually fall out of position. The gaskets are replaced starting at one end. The bolts are coated with a grey paste called anti-seize, on the threads. The gasket is held in position, the the bolts started, but not tightened. This same action is repeated for all 3 gaskets on one side of the engine. Doughnut style gaskets are usually only at the connections at the bottom of the manifolds and the pipes. When in doubt, remove the part in question and use as a sample. Before any trip check all fluids, as trans, radiator and rear axle. Find a new mechanic friend. Find a real mechanic not a friend who thinks he is a mechanic. Ya gotta spend some money for information.. Frank