Re: A good place to pull 12v from?
i agree with the above post. alternatively if unable to find an unused slot in the fuse block you could attach a wire directly to that solenoid as long as you put a fuse as close to the solenoid as possible...
You may only have power when the key is on, which may or may not be ok for your 12volt cigarette outlet. If you need/want power when the key is off you can attach a wire to the opposite side of the solenoid as it should have power all the time.
on my buses, i always take an unused switch on the main switch panel and designate it as "main bus power" I wire this switch to turn on the solenoid that feeds power to all the 12 volt items in the bus. This way i can have power when the bus is parked and the key is off, but i still have the flexibility to turn everything off when the bus is not being used.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes (who will watch the watchmen?)