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Old 12-10-2010, 02:43 PM   #1
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Re: A Possible Amphibious Bus?

Lots of cool ideas there. You might want to research water use of compact dishwashers. There's even some that are designed for countertop use, about the size of a toaster oven. You may discover that they use less water than washing by hand.

Here's an example: ... nstraint=0

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Old 12-10-2010, 02:54 PM   #2
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Re: A Possible Amphibious Bus?

first thing i though of was a DUKW "duck"
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Old 12-10-2010, 04:01 PM   #3
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Re: A Possible Amphibious Bus?

I remebered seeing this one a couple years ago on tv.
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:04 PM   #4
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Re: A Possible Amphibious Bus?

i had my semi licence way before i had a bus. so it grandfathers into that. just cant drive a school bus with passengers for school purposes.

ive been eyeing a compact dishwasher for awhile. I have a counter top apartment one but the new place has a fancy tap setup and so i cant hook to it. also gf hates it for some reason..
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Old 12-12-2010, 10:26 AM   #5
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Re: A Possible Amphibious Bus?

Originally Posted by DanD
. . . . Here are some IDEAS for my bus.
Veggie OIl conversion - it's been done by many, look in that section
Propane/Veggie Oil Heater Stove - propane is easy, there may still be some "pot burner" oil heaters around, but I've never seen an oil cookstove.
Electric generator hooked up to engine - your alternator can charge batteries when driving, but the big horsepower engine will be inefficient to provide power when parked - get a "right sized" propane, diesel, or even gasoline genset for maximum efficiency.
Soda Can Heater mounted to roof (Array 50% completed at the moment) - very efficient, but putting it on the roof will not give you natural convection like side-mounting it and parking the bus so the collector faces south. A simple flap of polyethylene secured only at the top edge over the output or inside the input will make a one-way valve that will prevent the system from turning into a convective "soda can cooler" at night. With the collector on the roof, you will have to run fans to circulate the heated air. Fortunately, when solar heating is working, there is also the possibility of solar electricity for the fans.
Compost/Incinerator Toilet - look at Smitty's skoolie conversion.
Amphibious Pontoons/Skirt (I've worked out some concepts that may work) - a bit of math on weight displacement and center of gravity will show if the floats are big enough and if there is roll-over danger. Then you need to consider propulsion and steering - propellers and rudder, or hope the tires work?
Solar Panel -you will probably need an array of panels for your power usage, there is lots of info everywhere.
Hydroponic Area (I'm a little bit of a modern greenthumb ^^;; I realize this might consume too much space though)
Flip table (A conceptual table that swivels out of the floor and locks into a position so you can eat from the futon)
Fogger Shower (Using mist or fog instead of straight water, this should lower my water usage in the shower by 70% -according to other mist shower concepts-)
- take a look at Smitty's winter "shower in a can."
Water Collection gutters (Small inlets alongside the edges of the bus to collect water; most likely to be replaced entirely by reverse osmosis system)
Reverse Osmosis System With Feeding Tube (to allow me to purify water from any natural water source on the run)
Rear Camera for Backing
Toaster oven instead of toaster and oven (to conserve space)
- electric heating is an energy hog. You may want to use the stove instead to save energy.
One burner instead of four for cooking stove (to conserve space)
Combo "all in one" Washer/Dryer (to conserve space) I understand these use a lot of power and water for the dryer. Apartment over/under separates may work better for you, or use an "acoustic" dryer (clothesline).
Foldable Soler Oven (to conserve space, and for those larger meals)
No dishwasher (I already have a habit of washing my dishes right after meals anyway, besides, I plan on keeping dish ware to a minimum} this will conserve space, money, and water)
- I would agree, but hand-washing can take more water than a dishwasher if done inefficiently.
Volkswagon Bus welded to the top for a sleeping loft - A touch of style for sure, but watch height for bridges/branches, and CG if planning to go floating.

Welcome to the madness, and good luck!
Someone said "Making good decisions comes from experience, experience comes from bad decisions." I say there are three kinds of people: those who learn from their mistakes, those who learn from the mistakes of others, and those who never learn.
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