About to buy our first bus!
My wife, 3 girls and myself are wanting to buy our first bus and I'm out of a bit out of my comfort zone. I'm getting excited and I found a seller who buys busses for scrap and comes across good busses to sell.
I've done a ton of research and the bus he's come back with I've questions about. We're looking for a late model (close to 2010 as possible with cost factor and no def if possible) re 40' (Thomas preferred). I wanted the dt466 but I knew it might be a a crap shoot. What he's come back with is a 2006 Thomas Re with a Vt365. Now, I've not found those in Thomas REs in my research. I know thomas has rebranded Internationals, just thought not REs.
What's y'all's opinion on the 365? Would this be a good purchase? We've been thinking about this for a couple of years and it seems to me that the engine is one thing that many people quit the skoolie life over. We're ready to jump in for the long haul... Literally.
Thanks for your comments!
Forgot.. the quoted price is $5000