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Old 05-17-2021, 09:56 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 2
Advice for a beginner

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I've been eying a couple Blue Birds. I was hoping some of you could point me in the right direction in regards of what to look for? Mainly, noises or indicators that I might be getting scammed. I'm pretty new, so please be gentle.

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Old 05-18-2021, 10:59 AM   #2
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Best advice... Don't buy a bus! LOL Seriously though, if you know about what you're looking for and can share that you might get a little bit better advice. Also where you are looking because some regions are more problem prone than others or have specific issues. As far as general advice, body rust is never good so avoid it at all costs. Look underneath for any leaks at all, they're never a good sign. And trust your gut if something feels off or you feel like a seller is not on the level and maybe hiding something. All pretty basic but all I can offer without more info. Also if you already have some mechanical experience especially diesel engine experience that'll go a long way. If not, plan on paying for an independent third party to inspect any prospective purchase beforehand.
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Old 05-18-2021, 11:36 AM   #3
Bus Crazy
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Yes, everything Sehnsucht wrote.

Regions that use salt are often avoided due to rust. Engines produced 2004 or earlier (up to 2007, in some cases) will have less clean emissions devices, thereby saving maintenance.

Reading the historical record of wisdom, found in the search engine above, is only useful if you're persistent. The thread below is a good place to start.

Go to as many auctions as you can. Not to buy, go to preview and spend hours examining them. Crawl around underneath, open panels, smell liquids and compare bus differences. After some physical interaction, you'll be able to 'see' alot from the pics.

There are many different places to find and purchace a bus. Some are not advertised online. Take pics of prospects, post them here. Always best to physically examine 'the one' before you relenquish your cash. Good luck.
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