Alternate VIN location on my bus?
I'm having an LEO come to my bus tomorrow to do a VIN verification (I have my bus titled in PA but I'm going to get it registered as a Motor Home in VT and the VIN verification is required since this is my first time registering the bus).
The VIN on my bus is displayed on a tag on the ceiling panel just behind the front, on the right side next to the entry door. Unfortunately I removed this panel, and while I do still have the panel in my bus (since I'll be putting it back up later) with the VIN tag still on it, I do not know if the LEO will accept this as the VIN since it's not in place any longer (like, I guess I could have theoretically pulled the panel out of a different bus in order to register my bus with a wrong VIN).
Is there another location where the VIN is displayed (2003 International / AmTran)? I've read that there's one under the hood against the firewall, and though this will make me sound extra-stupid, I don't actually know how to open my hood or where the firewall is.