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Old 05-17-2018, 01:37 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by colin View Post
did you actualy check the website out, because you never would have used the phrase,"i am leary about charities that use most of the donations as profit and send little to the people who deserve it". i have talked with this organization and this not what they are about!!!
I was generalizing on my experience with charities that I have researched. I was not referring to your charity in the least as I know nothing about it.

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Old 05-17-2018, 01:50 AM   #22
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I know some intentionally homeless folks in California, super cool group they camp somewhere and every so often the county comes and bulldozes their camp into dumpsters and they have to start over. But they like that more than paying crazy hight Bay area rent.

I am also a little hesitant to deal with most charities, when you see board members pulling in multi-million dollar salaries. There are good ones for sure I have met people from more than a few. Mostly the good ones are small and harder to find. The huge ones like red Cross specifically run like a business lining the pocket of the board of directors, not that they don't do a huge amount of good in the world, but when less of every dollar you donate goes to Salaries and bonuses than aid I look elsewhere to give help.
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Old 10-18-2018, 10:17 PM   #23
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Super useful post! I'd actually considered the same thing after going through the stress I've been dealing with trying to get my own bus. Being an unemployed, borderline homeless veteran makes it really hard to get off the ground, so to speak, so I'd considered doing something for other vets once I figure out my own issues... I hadn't considered all of the legal issues though. This is a bit of an eye opener.
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Old 10-18-2018, 11:12 PM   #24
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It's a great thought!

A lot of posters are thinking about homeless as people you see panhandling and on the street, but there are also tons of families and people who can't afford rent and don't have a permanent home, talking friends and family into letting them stay as long as they can.

In my city, an organization has set up a tiny house community for the homeless. This goes way beyond the idea that you had (and would take a lot more work!) Is there a non-profit near you that may be interested in setting up a "free campground"? They may be willing to take on legal responsibilities and vet the people staying there. They can provide additional resources as well, like mental health treatment, food, and job training.

It's a lot more work than what you were thinking, but it's worth throwing out there. Don't give up, you have a big heart.
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Old 10-19-2018, 11:41 AM   #25
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A big issue with getting someone who is homeless/jobless back on their feet had a lot to do with a permanent mailing address. Many businesses wont hire someone without a permanent mailing address but its hard to get one without a job...

There a lot of chicken and egg issues. Need shelter to be fit enough to work but without money its hard to get shelter.
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Old 10-19-2018, 02:57 PM   #26
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...tell me about it...
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