brake & glow plug light/buzzer issue
Issue: Brake warning light/buzzer and possible glow plug problem.
The patient is a t444e short bus in a Tucson storage for 2 years, but gets started every few months. To do so, proper 'wait to start' procedure is followed. About a year ago that buzzer began to stay on. No clue why.
In preparation to take it to a shop, I intended to take it for a trial spin, but got short-cut on that when starting to drive it. Not only does the glow plug buzzer stay on, I noticed that the red brake light stays on too (yes, I released the parking brake). The power steering works with hesitation and pressing the brake pedal creates the same moaning noise it makes when pressing the pedal without the motor running. I wonder, if the buzzer for the glow plug and brake warning is the same, and if there are two of them, do they sound identical? (hard to tell with sound coming from beneath the dash). If so the whole thing may not be a glow plug, but a brake related issue. Any ideas?