The programs are sooooo unintuitive! I don't understand why drag and drop features are not more commonplace. Or even a way to manually input dimensions, like I want the structure to be 8ft wide, 24 ft long and have walls that are 7 feet high. Why can't I put in those numbers somewhere and then the program creates me a cube with those dimensions?
Two programs I tried today had the most useless gridlines. Like, even when I counted each tiny little box I couldn't figure out what scale the diagram was being rendered at. Shouldn't that be noted somewhere-- this diagram is 1/12 scale or something? Without knowing the scale it was impossible to enter walls x amount of feet on the interior or size doorways. I know that all of these features are probably in these programs but why do they have to make it so hard to find/ figure out!
I decided tonight that I am done with trying to figure out the CAD programs and I'm going to do it the old-fashioned analog way by building a 3d scaled model. Here's to hoping I have better luck with tangible things. And I get the added benefit of an adorable mini bus diorama.