That IDI 7.3 is a great, if not super powerful, engine. We have that engine in two ambulance conversions. A few things to someone above mentioned the 7.3L Powerstroke is super when you search for parts, make sure you're looking at the right one. The 1990-1993 (or so?) Ford or International 7.3L diesel, and not the 7.3L turbo Powerstroke. And...if you find it's hard to start in the morning/cold, but it starts right up when warm...check for bad glowplugs, a bad glowplug solenoid, or (since it's an old vehicle) corroded connections in that circuit which are reducing the current to the glowplugs. Some people will advise that you check voltage to the glowplugs at the connectors and that's helpful, but it's not definitive. As a wise friend told me, you can carry voltage through a hair but not current. So a partially broken wire or bad connection might deliver enough voltage, when not under the glowplug's load. But when loaded and drawing current, the voltage through that old circuit might drop. The good thing about these is they're all cheap to fix. There's also the possibility of a bad/weak low pressure oil pump causing hard starts, but that's also not a really pricey fix.