I know a correctly working T-444E will start on its own with good batteries, glowplugs, and good fuel down to 10 below degrees f, it might start colder.. but the coldest I had it in was 10 below this winter... and i am running standard rotella 15W40 oil.
running synthetic oil in your engine in cold winters will make it start easier..
a diesel engine needs to make heat in the cylinder to fire... glowplugs help make heat, as does compression..
when crankming a diesel in very cold winter weather, not only are you trying to overcome cold cylinder temperatures to light a fire, you are also trying to turn engine parts that are covered in very thick oil... that uses more power from your batteries, heats up your starter motor more, and spins the engine slower..
the slower spinning means less heat created in the cylinder...
synthetic oils tend to stay thinner at cold temperatures which will greatly help your engine's ability to start..
and of course it goes without saying to make sure you fuel is properly winterized or you have proper additives in it to keep it from turning to Gel in very cold weather..