Sewing curtains is about the easiest sewing chore you can find shourt of reattaching a button.
Straight seams, nothing fancy, and no trying to line up angled or curved pieces to make a shirt.
Pick up a used sewing machine and give it a go.
Fold the top over however much you like for the look and rod you're using.
Fold over the cut edge and sew a straight line through the three layers.
Double fold the edges and sew through all three layers.
Same at the bottom.
You're done!!!!
If budget isn't an issue, pick up those pull down shades....the pleated kind or the roll up type. They work well.
If insulation and blocking light is the goal, used quilted material or that insulated backing mentioned earlier. And yes, if you've still got metal ceiling or walls, magnets work great to close up the gaps and increase the insulation.
YouTube: HAMSkoolie WEB:
We've done so much, for so long, with so little, we now do the impossible, overnight, with nothing. US Marines -- 6531, 3521. . . .Ret ASE brakes & elect. Ret (auto and aviation mech). Extra Class HAM, NAUI/PADI OpenWater diver