Connects to the 3" out from the tank and discharges through a 1" PVC pipe, reduced to a 3/4" hose.
3" of hard pipe from the tank outlet to the waste valve, 3" of regular flexible RV dump hose from the valve to the pump. The pump lifts about 4', so you can put it about anywhere.
Jabsco says to discharge through a 1" hose, but I used 3/4" as it's more common and cheaper. Have had no problem with it. I'd guess the biggest problem with a smaller hose would be if you pumped a long ways with it - more friction loss in the smaller hose, and so harder on the pump and shorter life. I keep a 25' length of hose attached and just hang it under the bus with a bungee cord. I leave the hose attached so I don't accidentally use it for anything else
You don't need a waste valve but I had bad visions of a full tank and a broken pump ....
My plumbing's pretty simple since I only have one tank.