Originally Posted by alexzckary
URGENT.... Project is on hold till this gets solved, Do I need both emergency exit windows completely clear, I'm talking to the floor and to the ceiling, would like to put a set of bunks by the passenger side one. Please let me know!
There's no legal requirement to have exit windows at all, since the seats are out and you're not operating as a school bus any more. From a self-preservation standpoint, though, I think you want to leave at least some of them clear so they can be used in an emergency. I've seen a number of skoolie builds where the windows and back door are blocked/locked in some way, and if people were in the back when a fire started they would have no way of getting out.
As the other user mentioned, you can rearrange your windows as you like. I'm actually planning to acquire additional emergency exit windows for my bus so that I have more than the normal four - not for escape purposes but because I like how they open and create a twice-as-large opening.