Originally Posted by grizzlyred
What is the best type of flooring? We have tried the floating click the vinyl planks and the stock down squares. Both have bubbled up in spots, I'm thinking the hot and humid weather is the problem. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you!
Not all vinyl plank is the same. I found one with a much higher reported acceptable temperature range than most. It is not yet installed but it's from Calibamboo - it's the luxury vinyl plank PRO series. They SAY it can take a 32-113 temperature range and 20-80% relative humidity. Most floors want 40-60, even the vinyl plank. This one is also supposed to be 'waterproof' as the core is made of something different than the regular kind. Also, it's important to let the floor float if you do a floating install. You aren't supposed to screw the cabinets thru the floor of a floating floor; you attach to the wall behind and/or a wall to the side. Whether or not it works remains to be seen but it was the best claimed performance of everything I saw and I looked for a WHILE. They had a memorial day sale and also offered a veterans discount of 10% on the underlayment which was not on sale. It was $3.50 / sq ft. I originally planned to use some leftover engineered hardwood from a remodel but decided that it was probably not going to hold up well in this application. 40 degree swings aren't unusual here.