Organizational idea: some drawer or basket near the door where you can toss your gloves, hat, dog leash, flashlight, frisbee, Gameboy, lightsaber, etc. etc. Anything you use regularly that will otherwise end up on the driver's seat or dash and have to be moved or secured before driving.
Hanging clothes idea: Just don't - problem solved

I built a ton of hanging storage into our first bus, but stopped using it after a couple of months. Hanging clothes take up way too much space, and since we were using laundromats I had to fold the clothes for the trip between the drier to the bus anyway. Unless you have fancy clothes, folding is the way to go, IMO.
Awesome camping accessory: Nomad portable hot tub (
link to website). I have never seen this product in person, and I don't actually think it's a great idea because it uses a ton of propane. But... it does look pretty damned cool.