Originally Posted by Vlad&Luna
Hey guy I'm new to the forums here! My girlfriend and I recently bought a 2002 thomas freightliner school bus to convert into a long term home and move from Florida to a state that has changing seasons. I have experience working on cars and motorcycles but im new to big busses like this. Theres a power panel next to my battery box that has no info on it at all. Is there anywhere I can find the electrical sheet for it?
I also have a question about the inside heater system, I see 2 water levers. 1 inside and 1 next to the engine block. It looks like it takes water and cools it in the engine before sending it along the bus. How do I get that to work? I'll be more active on this forum since we just started our build and will most likely have more questions. Thank you for all your help and this amazing site!
Welcome! I just bought a Freightliner this week, I can post a pic of our fuse box diagram tomorrow when I’m at the bus if no one else can help you. Not sure how it’ll compare, ours is a 2007, but perhaps it’ll be useful.