05-28-2019, 10:16 PM
Bus Geek
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Good God It's Hot Out There
mid 90's for the week.
05-28-2019, 10:28 PM
Bus Nut
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50* and flooding here today. 70* the rest of the week.
05-29-2019, 07:03 AM
Bus Nut
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41* this morning, had the wood stove fired up last night. Waiting for some global warming to show up.....
05-29-2019, 07:15 AM
Bus Geek
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I'm gonna have to get some sort of shade to work under. I'm not a weenie when it comes to the heat and I'm already bowing out with this sweltering heatwave.
I've got NINE hours of mowing to do today.
Gonna smoke an extra joint and bring a few extra Capri Suns in my cooler.
I try to cover myself like desert dwellers do. Long sleeves, long pants. Big wide hat.
05-29-2019, 09:08 AM
Bus Crazy
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Oh shoot! Tell me we're not reprising the great weenie debate of 2019..?!
The aridic nomads had generations to figure out what works when it's stinkin' hot. 'Course, you got you some humidity to contend with,too...
Following their lead is a good thing, so long as that imitation doesn't include sexually assaulting goats.
Originally Posted by EastCoastCB
I'm gonna have to get some sort of shade to work under. I'm not a weenie when it comes to the heat and I'm already bowing out with this sweltering heatwave.
I've got NINE hours of mowing to do today.
Gonna smoke an extra joint and bring a few extra Capri Suns in my cooler.
I try to cover myself like desert dwellers do. Long sleeves, long pants. Big wide hat.
And the sooner folx realize that the planet's cycles are measured in eons, the sooner we descendents of feces-slinging apes can get back to the business of crapping in our collective nest...
It's what we don't truly know that frightens the monkeys, and makes for agenda-building fodder.
Originally Posted by Brewerbob
Great Barrier reef has died off at least 6 times in its history. "Climate change" isn't any different than than "seasons" for the millennia.
Temps dropped to upper 70s/low 80s overnight. May just have to install a kiddie pool to coop in.
91°/98° (actual/heat index) today, followed by a blissful cooling break for two glorious days in the upper-mid-80s! Woot-woot!!!
Then back into the 90s for the foreseeable future...
Those who say that it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.
05-29-2019, 09:38 AM
Bus Geek
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Hot.. and peoiple wonder why I get so geeked out when those here rip out the Air-condiotioners from their busses....
05-29-2019, 10:09 AM
Bus Crazy
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While we long for some "heat" from Mother Nature in December thru April or so up here, we aren't dealing with withering heat like you southern folks are getting already.
Glad I didn't pull up roots a few years back and complete a move south, when I retired from the workplace.
The main reason on my doing a skoolie now is to create an escape vehicle and become a temporary "Snowbird" when temps fall into the uncomfortable zone around here.
Guess its better to be labeled a snowbird than a snowflake in today's PC Society though...
05-29-2019, 10:12 AM
Bus Crazy
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Engine: T444E w/ Spicer 5-speed MT
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BTW & FYI: I hear that the weather chat on Marc's build thread is pending deletion, y'all... (since it's still recipient of the current off-topic subject)
Originally Posted by o1marc
We missed setting yesterdays record (1916) by only 1 degree at 94, 5 more days of 90's at least.
Global warming, wait the record was set over 100 years ago, so how much hotter is it?
Originally Posted by haz.matt.1960
Get with the times, old man! Didn't you know that they're now calling it, "climate change."
hmph! We called 'em, "seasons," or "weather," when we were kids...Don't know nothing about no records here in Tejas. What I DO know is it's been in the low 90s, with heat indices in the mid- to upper-90s.
I'm thinking of calling it the renal workout, from all the water I'm guzzling!
I almost hate to say it...But I am kinda missing New Hamsha's Spring weather...
Why, that's just crazy talk! The Bible assures us that Creation took place considerably more recently than that! Despite what the gawdless, humanistic, and sexually liberated scientific community would try to gull you into believing with their made-up timeline!
(Oh wait... isn't the aforementioned tome allegorical in nature, a moderately recent result from the primitives' venerable oral tradition..?)
Does Humanity effect changes in our local biome? You betcha. Ask the Dodos or the Carrier Pigeons. Oh, wait... You can't! People hunted them, and countless piles of other species, into extinction! Short-term gain, or even need, outweighs any potential, pesky resultant exigencies.
Have we scarred the planet? Absolutely! I would point to any metropolitan area... Nature is glorious, and our planet is a living, breathing, and growing macro-organism capable of healing itself of whatever hurts and indignities we've inflicted on it. Just ask the Mayans how their pyramids are fairing. Whups, ya can't! They were extincted, too...
That's a problem I see with our genetic and cultural heritage. Being binocularly gifted and equipped with opposable thumbs, we are deadly accurate when it comes to slinging sh1t.
If homo Sapiens sapiens (no pretension in that name!) hadn't won out over the better designed and sturdier Neanderthal by virtue of adaptability, this would be a considerably different world.
Still, premise remains: Is human activity responsible for changes in the weather? Even at this late date, we're a pretty pretentious populace for a puny species ill-equipped to survive, unsupported, in the wild.
We are convinced we are the absolute acme of evolution. Without firesticks, or even fire, coyotes would be convinced we're delicious. Easy prey, even lacking any mail order contrived contraptions from Acme.
Sure, we effect our environs. History is rife with examples of how thoughtless, brutal, cruel, and impolite homo Sapiens are. Once we had to content our destructive natures with midden piles, driving herds of herbivores off cliffs, and killing one another face to face and hand to hand.
With all the inherent efficacy of the Industrial Revolution, bringing unknown (and often not really needed) modern design and convience, we can now fling those feces on a global scale...
Impacts? Yes, some, surely.
Solely responsible? I am dubious.
Originally Posted by Sleddgracer
for the first 4 billion years +/-, the earths climate remained pretty much unchanging, then about 500 - 700 million years ago,something happened to change all that - ( planetary collision perhaps?) and the first ice caps appeared ( cooincidently with the first life on earth ) - since those first ice caps, earth's climate has been acting like the prongs on a tuning fork and bouncing back and forth from hot to cold, but more hot than cold and more time without ice caps than with - we are living in one of the coolest periods at the moment - it's true that climate keeps changing, but normally climate change happens over a time frame spanning the lifetime of 1000's generations - the change this time is happening so fast that there is no doubt that humans are contributing to the rapidness of the change
The Wachowsky Bros wrote what I feel is a compelling line in The Matrix:
Agent Smith tells Morpheous that, after exhaustively studying human history, the only organism analogous to humanity in it's behavior is
Those who say that it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.
05-29-2019, 10:26 AM
Bus Crazy
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Engine: T444E w/ Spicer 5-speed MT
Rated Cap: I prefer broad-brims hats
Speakin' of:
Originally Posted by cadillackid
Hot.. and peoiple wonder why I get so geeked out when those here rip out the Air-condiotioners from their busses....
Didja ever hear back from that cat up in Dallas about those 2 A/C units..?
Those who say that it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.
05-29-2019, 10:28 AM
Bus Nut
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So far in Philadelphia it's been either 80 or raining. I can't seem to catch enough of a break to do any outside work. Got a solar panel and some other work to do on the roof and it was almost unbearably hot up there last time around.
05-29-2019, 10:31 AM
Bus Crazy
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Engine: T444E w/ Spicer 5-speed MT
Rated Cap: I prefer broad-brims hats
Try working on the inside of a bus under sunny, 90°+ conditions!
Originally Posted by CMORGANSKOOL
So far in Philadelphia it's been either 80 or raining. I can't seem to catch enough of a break to do any outside work. Got a solar panel and some other work to do on the roof and it was almost unbearably hot up there last time around. 
Thinking on maybe painting it a greenish hue, since it's already behaving like a green house...
Those who say that it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.
05-29-2019, 12:00 PM
Bus Geek
Join Date: May 2014
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Posts: 3,835
Severe thunderstorms the rest of the week. Had an ef3 tornado about 5 miles from me on monday. They have pretty severe flooding about 30 miles away. Ground everywhere is saturated from the monsoons we've had the last 2 months. Farmers are about in panic mode when it comes to planting. Some places won't be able to get out in the fields until late june, and that's if it stops raining now.
What's a person to do though? It is what it is.
05-29-2019, 12:19 PM
Bus Nut
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Originally Posted by haz.matt.1960
Try working on the inside of a bus under sunny, 90°+ conditions!Thinking on maybe painting it a greenish hue, since it's already behaving like a green house...
Since spring I have a routine. Open all the windows, put a box fan in the roof hatch and bring plenty of water. I've yet to leave the bus not completely soaked in sweat. I justify the punishment by thinking it's healthy to sweat "it" all out. Whatever "it" is. Now I have an AC unit I'm hoping to make it more bearable to do the finish work
05-29-2019, 12:32 PM
Bus Crazy
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: E Central Tejas
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Engine: T444E w/ Spicer 5-speed MT
Rated Cap: I prefer broad-brims hats
Windows screened and open. Ditto doors & E-hatch. One fan circulating, the other in a window exhausting.
Can't wire AC to the A/C til the next ceiling panel is ready to be installed.
Originally Posted by CMORGANSKOOL
Since spring I have a routine. Open all the windows, put a box fan in the roof hatch and bring plenty of water. I've yet to leave the bus not completely soaked in sweat. I justify the punishment by thinking it's healthy to sweat "it" all out. Whatever "it" is. Now I have an AC unit I'm hoping to make it more bearable to do the finish work
Don't know about you, but I'm not lacking in s*it to sweat out...
Those who say that it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.
05-29-2019, 04:44 PM
Bus Crazy
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Originally Posted by haz.matt.1960
BTW & FYI: I hear that the weather chat on Marc's build thread is pending deletion, y'all... (since it's still recipient of the current off-topic subject)
Why, that's just crazy talk! The Bible assures us that Creation took place considerably more recently than that! Despite what the gawdless, humanistic, and sexually liberated scientific community would try to gull you into believing with their made-up timeline!
(Oh wait... isn't the aforementioned tome allegorical in nature, a moderately recent result from the primitives' venerable oral tradition..?)
Does Humanity effect changes in our local biome? You betcha. Ask the Dodos or the Carrier Pigeons. Oh, wait... You can't! People hunted them, and countless piles of other species, into extinction! Short-term gain, or even need, outweighs any potential, pesky resultant exigencies.
Have we scarred the planet? Absolutely! I would point to any metropolitan area... Nature is glorious, and our planet is a living, breathing, and growing macro-organism capable of healing itself of whatever hurts and indignities we've inflicted on it. Just ask the Mayans how their pyramids are fairing. Whups, ya can't! They were extincted, too...
That's a problem I see with our genetic and cultural heritage. Being binocularly gifted and equipped with opposable thumbs, we are deadly accurate when it comes to slinging sh1t.
If homo Sapiens sapiens (no pretension in that name!) hadn't won out over the better designed and sturdier Neanderthal by virtue of adaptability, this would be a considerably different world.
Still, premise remains: Is human activity responsible for changes in the weather? Even at this late date, we're a pretty pretentious populace for a puny species ill-equipped to survive, unsupported, in the wild.
We are convinced we are the absolute acme of evolution. Without firesticks, or even fire, coyotes would be convinced we're delicious. Easy prey, even lacking any mail order contrived contraptions from Acme.
Sure, we effect our environs. History is rife with examples of how thoughtless, brutal, cruel, and impolite homo Sapiens are. Once we had to content our destructive natures with midden piles, driving herds of herbivores off cliffs, and killing one another face to face and hand to hand.
With all the inherent efficacy of the Industrial Revolution, bringing unknown (and often not really needed) modern design and convience, we can now fling those feces on a global scale...
Impacts? Yes, some, surely.
Solely responsible? I am dubious.
The Wachowsky Bros wrote what I feel is a compelling line in The Matrix:
Agent Smith tells Morpheous that, after exhaustively studying human history, the only organism analogous to humanity in it's behavior is
just GREAT!!
05-29-2019, 05:26 PM
Bus Geek
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Not only a virus but we smell also..
05-29-2019, 05:53 PM
Bus Crazy
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Engine: T444E w/ Spicer 5-speed MT
Rated Cap: I prefer broad-brims hats
Hugo Weaving emotes putrid disgust brilliantly!
Those who say that it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.
05-30-2019, 08:30 AM
Bus Nut
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75 degrees all day and sunny. There is no night here this time of year, so you can work any time you want. It's a little disconcerting when you lose track of the time, look at your watch, and realize it's after midnight but still day.
05-30-2019, 01:51 PM
Bus Geek
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So hot here the grass is just straight up dying now.
05-30-2019, 02:53 PM
Bus Nut
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It was a balmy 10*C this morning when I left for work [3:40am], it's now 20*C.
I can now hold a beer without mitts on
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