Our bus is leaking in a few spots in the interior.
I've read many threads about sealing leaks in windows & about "gutter" ideas/systems, but want to get some details specific to our bus/problem.
After a heavy rain the other day, we found that the water is coming in on the sides where the exterior roof panels (and the drip edge/gutter? which are all one continuous piece) overlap each other and where the gutters "nest" together. The water is running straight down the sides of the bus in those areas, into the window wells & either between the walls or down the walls.
Also, the "gutter" on the passenger side ends right at the hinge of the side rear door which isn't ideal as the water just pours onto the hinge and down that side of the door.
After reading all of the threads, we have collected many suggestions of different types of sealants to use, but we're wondering if we should use more of a drip edge instead of trying to repair/seal up the existing channel/gutter...like something that causes the water to just run straight off, away from the bus, immediately instead of pooling up in the gutters.
If we would go that route, could we put something over the existing gutter or would we need to remove the gutter first (bearing in mind that it's part of the roof panels/not attached separately)?
We're open to any ideas! Thanks, in advance!
Photos and/or links to products are super as well!