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Old 02-22-2022, 05:02 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: New Hampshire
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Engine: V8 Duramax 6.6
Has anyone used GoBoard in their bus?

I just heard of a product called GoBoard - it's primarily meant as a backer board for tiling, but I'm thinking it might make sense to use just kinda everywhere in a bus.
Quick summary of advantages are:
  1. It's intrinsically waterproof (fill seams with proprietary caulking and you're water tight)
  2. Extremely lightweight
  3. Easy install

I'm also suspect that there might be some insulation properties to it. It sounds like it's sorta-kinda similar to that extruded foam board stuff; meaning it sounds like it's an aerated plastic board. But that's just a hunch.

Curious to hear from someone that knows better. My thinking is that it might make sense to use it everywhere in a bus. Waterproof (thus a moisture/convection barrier too), lightweight, simple install, and (maybe) some R-Value to it.
You could always put something prettier overtop of it.

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Old 03-07-2022, 07:39 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: New England
Posts: 161
Year: 1999
Coachwork: Michael Corbier
Chassis: GMC Savana 3500
Engine: 6.5 Diesel
Rated Cap: 8-10 passengers and wheel
I’ve put some up in the bathroom. It’s easy to cut, but needs special washers to attach. It’s half inch, so not much R value. I found it to be expensive for the coverage I got from one sheet. There must be other alternatives for your project.
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