Originally Posted by musigenesis
When I deleted my mid and rear heaters, I first disconnected both of them from the floor and moved them forward so I could get a bunch of slack in the hoses behind the driver's seat. I then raised each hose behind the seat and tied it to the ceiling with two ropes and hose clamps, then cut the hoses ( https://i.imgur.com/ixakd39.jpg) and spliced the lines to and from the engine together with a brass coupling.
I don't really understand why not (hopefully someone can explain it here), but I lost almost no coolant at all in the process. I had three or four 4-gallon buckets ready to go, but when I cut the hoses I lost nothing but a few drops, and then when I drained what was left in the cut hoses and the heaters, it wasn't even a half-inch in the bottom of one bucket.
Clever use of gravity. I did something similar'ish.
My rear heaters were removed by the previous owner, along with a supremely butchered electrical dismantling.......
I unfastened the drivers heater from the floor and rotated it out towards the transmission access hatch, where I had my large/deep drip tray, and then I disconnected the hoses from the fittings on the heater. I caught between a 1/4 & 1/2 Gal, then I covered the hoses and threaded them through the steering wheel till I was ready to reconnect the heater. I didn't hack the hoses as getting replacements was sure to be a PITA, since most HE uses 1.5" or larger and I live in the middle of nowhere.
side note, if you can't find 1" barb a threaded 3/4" brass nipple will work as a substitute. I have 2 of them in my system and thus far they are holding.