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Old 01-21-2020, 07:53 AM   #81
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Off road, dirt road ?? With a little thought, some luck and going slow you can get pretty far.
This boulder stopped us for 45 minutes going into death valley to Hunter pass from the south along saline valley road. Most of the time was required for planning out if we could get passed it. On the other side of the boulder it was pretty steep down, about 9ft between the boulder and the cliff and i was somewhat worried that the road might give out. We had to angle the bus thru so it took some time to position it right. We vamped three days on the intersection saline valley and hunter mountain road before we got kicked of being in the flight pass from the fighter planes that played around in the canyon over there.

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Old 01-21-2020, 12:09 PM   #82
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looks like it was pushed out of the middle of the road did you move it with your jeep? Think I would have pushed it over the edge, maybe?
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Old 01-21-2020, 12:47 PM   #83
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No it was pushed by someone else. Can't see in the pic but that bolder is 5ft tall. Not for my xj diesel jeep. This road is not for large vehicles. So it just got pushed out to let 4*4 go thru. It is pretty steep on the other side so that rock would have further then would be safe. Take a look at hunter mountain road in death valley and you will see what I mean.

That road had plenty of ruts and boulders that would interfere with Dory but with a lot of manoeuvring we got up there. The couple of 4*4 and motorcycles we encountered there raised eyebrows and comments in between nice going and you are crazy.
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Old 01-22-2020, 01:51 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by joeblack5 View Post
Off road, dirt road ?? With a little thought, some luck and going slow you can get pretty far.
This boulder stopped us for 45 minutes going into death valley to Hunter pass from the south along saline valley road. Most of the time was required for planning out if we could get passed it. On the other side of the boulder it was pretty steep down, about 9ft between the boulder and the cliff and i was somewhat worried that the road might give out. We had to angle the bus thru so it took some time to position it right. We vamped three days on the intersection saline valley and hunter mountain road before we got kicked of being in the flight pass from the fighter planes that played around in the canyon over there.

Holy crap, you took that bus into Saline Valley! Color me impressed! Did you make it to the springs? Or attempt it? Or stay on the main road?
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Old 01-22-2020, 07:01 AM   #85
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While there is certainly things that can make a skoolie better suited for off the road, the best improvement is a great driver that really understands their rig. Clearly Johan has what it takes.
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Old 01-22-2020, 08:48 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Mr4btTahoe View Post
Tires and weight will make a BIG difference.

A trick for sticky situations is to keep a set of tire chains with you. As long as you can get them on, they'll chew through mud and slop like its nothing. Wise to keep with you anyways if you'll be in areas that experience snow.

Having tanks and such directly in front of the rear axle will help with traction (weight). Highway tires are useless off the pavement... so if you are planning on driving anywhere off the pavement, get a decent "all terrain" tread pattern. Closed shoulder open lug do decent on both highway and off highway but they will be louder on the road then highway tires will be.

Many of the rear ends in these buses were offered with some form of limited slip or "no slip" differentials. If your rearend uses a "drop out 3rd member", you can find these used for relatively cheap and they are easy to change (just heavy). Also a easy/cheap way to re-gear if you need to.
This is great advice for all you new drivers out there. If you have decent tires and can lock your differential you might just get yourself out. Always keep one set of drive tires on solid ground (if possible) and don't panic. GOAL! Get out and look. It takes time and experience to learn just how heavy a commercial vehicle is and how "off-road" capable they are or aren't.
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Old 01-22-2020, 09:37 AM   #87
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Hi Dzl, Not into saline valley, we came from the south side. I figured that where saline meets hunter montain road was all and enough this bus could do. We took the jeep to the hot springs and camped there.

It had been 14 years when we were there last. Not much changed only busier and more clothed people took a bit of the charm away.

Hi Ronnie, al that is true but then I had an insane amount of luck as well. On the way back of the mountain towards Darwin we tore the towbar mounts of the jeep. We had to several miles back on saline valley road to find it back 1/4 mile of the road ....more insane luck that nobody got hurt.

Next time we go there i hope I can pull our small bus ( then to be 4x4) behind Dory.

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