Originally Posted by Jolly Roger bus 223
a pic of your floor would help us help you.
how bad does it sag?
are there rivet or screw heads sticking up?
are the old seat bolt holes pulled up?
No sag, and anything that was sticking up sticks up no longer, but a couple rough areas where the rust was worse than elsewhere (mainly, where the condensers screwed through the floor), and yes, a handful of bolt holes are kind of 'pulled up' a bit
Originally Posted by Jolly Roger bus 223
best option for leveling a bus subfloor would require leveling the bus chassis frame in all directions look to see if your bus has rubber mounts in between the body and chassis and fix any that are wore out and then take a look to see how bad or not the bus body floor is.
I don't care if it's level, unless level is a prerequisite for making it flat. And I'd prefer to use a method to flatten it that didn't require the floor to be level.
Originally Posted by Jolly Roger bus 223
i recommend some type of foam board insulation and thickness is you and your floors choice and then again your choice of marine grade plywood thickness ran width wise to eliminate the waste from trying to stagger the joint in a length wise run unless you get the measurement to work out for you to get to use two cuts out of one sheet.
still several options and ideas.
i would want to check with both the marine plywood manufacturer and the vinyl plank glue manufacturer to guarantee that the glue will actually stick and hold on the treated marine grade plywood?
it is treated to be resistant to water intrusion so how/why would a glue stick to it?
still other options?
good luck!
We plan to use either foam board or spray foam.. I'm still deciding between the two. We're spray-foaming everything else, so I figured since I'm using joists, and they're going to be in there anyway, spray foaming everything might be the way to go (as much a question as a statement
). Our short-bus is such a small job there's no price difference between having the entire bus spray foamed vs just the walls/ceiling. So unless there's a really compelling reason not to spray foam, that's the direction I'm leaning. I'm OK with doing the trimming afterwards.
Never thought about glue adhesion to the plywood... great info. I'll make sure to do that! And yes, width-wise alignment. Good stuff.