Initial/temporary power set up.
I will be living in my new-to-me 1987 Thomas Transit Bus (pusher) through the winter while I work on the full conversion. I know that's nuts, but we are waiting to buy property up here in the Pacific Northwest and opted for a bus rather than sign a year lease somewhere or buy an RV outright.
So, that said, we are going to be parked on a private property with water and power available. We will be able to fill tanks, but no shore hookup. We will gravity feed the sinks and shower at the gym until I can get to the plumbing. I have an LP heater and LP four-burner stovetop which I will feed with independent portable tanks.
The priority for now is power. The owner is a licensed electrician who said he will run us power from a panel in his close-by shop building, or install a meter so our exact power usage can be monitored. Eventually, we want a large enough solar array and system to accommodate our needs with occasional use of a generator.
In the meantime, what do we need to get installed to the bus to be able to just run power cords from the panel? Generally speaking (I'm trying to figure power needs now), we will want to set up like we have 2-way fridge, water pump, run a device charger, large monitor, xbox one, laptop and desktop so we don't have to upgrade anything later to accommodate the addition of these itms.
I also don't what components need to be installed so that we can switch back and forth using generator/plugged in power.