Originally Posted by BuffaloBink
Ours would be a pusher so there would be room.
I think it was “Knapptime” that moved a crossmember or two to install a water tank between the frame.
Thought about a gun safe but figured the jurisdictional issues with crossing state lines wouldn’t be worth it. For hand guns that is.
There is case law that essentially dictates that any motorhome constitutes both a vehicle and a home, and that the privacy/4th Amendment laws apply to the contents of a motorhome.
Essentially, only the immediate vicinity/reach of the driver constitutes the 'vehicle' portion of an RV, but that could be enough to generate probable cause if they "smell something funny".
Additionally, any kind of locked container would additionally require a search warrant to get into.
But of course, I am not a lawyer, and you should consult your local 'legal professional', lol.