hello all
my name is alan..i am really impressed with the knowledge on this site.
my question,
we are looking for a bus right now....and i would like to know if i can use 4 deep cycle 205 minute res, 110ah batteries to power my accessories..my idea is to have everything on 110v thru a converter....as i have nearly everything for the bus inside..laminate,mattress,Tv,Ipod dock,DVD,small fridge,micro,5000btu AC unit etc...
i plan on having rear/mattress on a platform so i can access cargo underneath thru rr door..
i plan on skinning only 4 or 5 rear windows...limo tinting the rest...
what can we do about the school bus door???
more half camping type of thing to go to the races...wife is a princess you know
regards to all