I was able to pick up a full size school bus for $200. This will enable me to spend the additional funds fixing her up. All of the seats have already been removed and it runs.
To answer the ? you are probably asking yourself: He had it in a RV storage place and could not pay the bill and asked if I wanted it. Told him that I had always wanted one and he said if I would pay what was owed on the storage bill, it was mine. I went down, checked it out and made sure it was in running condition, went to the office and asked how much was owed on that bus down there and they told be $200. Paid the bill, took the receipt to the man and he signed the title over to me.
Let the fun begin.
The sticker inside said that the original body was built in 1979 and converted by "Ward" same year. It is a 59 passenger bus. I'm going to try and post some pics sometime this weekend.
It is a Ford and the gentleman I got it from said that it has a gas engine, standard trannie in it. I have not gone as far as to start doing any engine work, ie. tune up, etc.